Anderson T. Graves II, Pastor

2022-2023 Church Calendar

August 2022 and on-going  Praise Dancers Registration Bailey Tabernacle CME
August 13, 2022Tuscaloosa District Planning Meeting at 9:00 amPorter St. Paul CME; 
September, 2022Praise Dancers First Rehearsal/ TBA Bailey Tabernacle CME
September 11, 2022Grandparents Day ObservanceBailey Tabernacle CME
September 11, 2022District Women Missionary Society Training
September 11, 2022Connectional Usher’s Day District Celebration  Star of Bethlehem CME Havana, AL – 3 pm.  Community outreach project.
September 13, 2022Fifth Episcopal District Training via Zoom 6:30 pm CST.(For All Clergymen and Conference Officers)
September 18, 2022Sickle Cell Awareness Sunday; Medical Moments – Sickle Cell Disease Bailey Tabernacle CME
September 18, 2022Connectional Ministry to Men DayPlace and Time TBA
September, 2022School Supply Distribution; One Church/One SchoolBailey Tabernacle CME
October 9, 2022Connectional Lay Day District Celebration Place and Time TBA.
October 15, 2022NCAR Fall BOCE and Formation Workshop 9:00 a.m.  (Tuscaloosa) -TBA.
October 23, 2022Fall Family Festival; TBA – Time and Place.Bailey Tabernacle CME
October 30, 2022District Missionaries’ True Blue Sunday 2:30 p.m.TBA – Place and Time
October 30, 2022WMS True Blue Sunday  Bailey Tabernacle CME
November 13, 2022                                                              Sacrificial Feast /4:00 pmMiles College ChoirBailey Tabernacle CME
November 12, 2022District Stewardesses Community Service Project
November 18-19, 2022Alabama Regions Virtual Winter Council MeetingTBA
December 3, 2022Tuscaloosa District BOCE & Formation Fall Meeting Place and Time TBA 
December 18, 2022CME Founder’s DayPlace and Time TBA
December 25, 2022Christmas Program/Morning WorshipBailey Tabernacle CME / Tuscaloosa, AL
January 1, 2023Kwanzaa Program/Bailey Tabernacle CME/Morning worship
January 7, 2023District Missionary Retreat.  Date and time TBA.
January 14, 2023Region’s One Church/One School (Dream Keepers’) Workshop; Place and Time TBA
January 28, 2023NCAR Youth/Young Adults Week “Kick-Off”Huntsville, AL; Time TBA
January 29, 2023Youth and Young Adult District Gospel ExplosionPorter St. Paul CME 2:30 p.m.
January 29,2023Youth and Young Adult Program Bailey Tabernacle CME 10:15 a.m.UA
Month of February 2023Young adults will read books by black authors to children during Children’s Church
February 11, 2023Fathers and Daughters Valentine DanceMothers and SonsBailey Tabernacle CME
February 18, 2023Elder Harton and Family Appreciation; Time and Place TBA
February 18 & 19, 2023Men Mentoring Black Youth/Men’s Day Program/Bailey Tabernacle CME
February , 2023Social Concerns Sunday Observance  (Local Churches Morning Worship)Bailey Tabernacle CME
March 1-17th, 2023District Missionary Walk-a-thon
March 10-11, 2023Alabama Regions Spring Convocation
April 6-7, 2023 District Holy Week Celebration
April 9, 2023Easter Program/Bailey Tabernacle CME
April 16, 2023NCAR Board of Christian
Education Formation Meeting (Huntsville District)
April 22, 2023Woman’s Day Luncheon/11:00 AM/Jones Education Bldg./ Bailey Tabernacle CME
April 23, 2023Women’s Day Program/ Bailey Tabernacle CME 
April 29, 2023Tuscaloosa District Spring BOCE & Formation Workshop  TBA  9:30 a.m.
May 7, 2023Tentative – Praise Dancers’ Jubilee (after morning worship) /Jones Education Building/ Bailey Tabernacle CME
May 13, 2023Mother’s and Daughter’s Day; Time TBABailey Tabernacle CME
May 14, 2023Mother’s Day ObservanceBailey Tabernacle CME
May 21, 2023Student Recognition at Morning Worship and Family Day after Morning Worship.Bailey Tabernacle CME
May 27, 2023Tuscaloosa District Conference Place TBA; 9:30 a.m.
June 4, 2023Connectional Stewardesses Day  District CelebrationUnity Grove CME; Time TBA
June 4–June 6, 2023Tentative Date – Vacation Bible School /Jones Education Bldg. Time- 6 pm – 7:30 pmBailey Tabernacle CME
June 11, 2023Pastor Graves, First Lady, and Kaitlin Appreciation Day/ after morning worship/ Jones Education Building/Bailey Tabernacle CME
June 18, 2023Father’s Day ObservanceBailey Tabernacle CME
June 23 – 30, 2023Women’s Missionary Council Quadrennial AssemblyJacksonville, FL
July 19-21, 2023 NCAR Annual ConferenceHuntsville District(Hosts and Meeting Place TBA)

NOTE:  Bailey Tabernacle Morning Worship at 10:15 AM

First Sunday – Communion

Second Sunday – Youth Sunday

Third Sunday – Medical Moments

Fourth Sunday – Black History Moments

Revised:  JCW 7/31/2022; JCW 8/15/2022; JCW 8/21/2022; JCW 8/22/2022;9/7/2022